Summer school: "Flexicurity in Today's Labour Market: A Transition From Securing Jobs to Ensuring Employment"

It is a major challenge for European labor markets to overcome the inherent tension between the increasing flexibility, dynamism, and efficiency requirements on the one hand, and the pressing need for social protection and social order on the other hand. During this course, we would like to engage in discussion on the concept of employment security and place it alongside this traditional view of job security. Within the debate on flexicurity, special attention will be paid to the precarious position of youth and disadvantaged groups which, in the face of the economic crisis, are experiencing increased difficulties in obtaining and maintaining (secure) employment. In addition, to what extent would this increase in flexibility affect an employee’s position in case of dismissal, and what could European countries learn from each other in order to provide employees a swift transition to another job in the case of job loss? In this course, drawing on empirical research and policy analysis, the effects of structural changes (such as flexibilization and rising inequality) and relevant interventions (on both the practical and policy level) will be presented and discussed. After this course, you have gained most recent knowledge about todays’ labor market challenges where many policy makers have to deal with.

The Summer School offers lectures with discussions, assignments and workshops, all presented and supervised by renowned scholars from various disciplines including sociology, social policy, economics, organisation studies, HRM and labour law.

The deadline for applications is the 20th of May.

maandag, 14 juli, 2014 - 14:45 tot vrijdag, 18 juli, 2014 - 14:45